Pós-graduação: PHD
Odontologia Legal

Odontologia Legal

PhD in Forensic Odontology (English) (CAPES/MEC) – 07762

Código do Curso - 07762

The PhD training in Forensic Odontology aims I) to develop research skills and critical thinking among forensic experts, and II) to promote evidence-based practices in the field of forensic odontology. The PhD candidates enrolled in this programme will experience state-of-the-art research in Forensic Odontology, and will develop tailor-made tools applicable to the forensic routine. Our academic environment enables direct bridge with medicolegal institutions worldwide, so the students can understand the country-specific needs and challenges of their forensic routine. Planning projects, testing methods, interpreting and performing statistical analyses, and writing scientific materials (articles and book chapters) are some of the activities included in the PhD programme. On-campus and on-distance interaction is expected between the candidates and the supervisor. Teaching and supervising skills are important parts of our PhD training. By the end of the course, the candidates that successfully defended their theses will be able to promote training and coordinate future generations of forensic odontologists. International guidelines and standards promoted by Associations, Societies and other administrative entities dedicated to the forensic fields, especially forensic odontology, will be followed as the core content of our research practice. Before proposing projects, the candidates must understand what current practices are advocated per jurisdiction and what are the current limitations of Forensic Odontology that require improvement towards field development. To this end, background in Forensic Odontology (MSc) is necessary prior to the doctoral degree.


Com abordagens como ensino baseado em problemas, simulações clínicas e uso de tecnologias educacionais avançadas, os alunos são preparados com utilização de metodologia ativas de ensino de forma abrangente e dinâmica para enfrentar os desafios da prática odontológica moderna.

O curso possui certificações do MEC e CFO garantindo reconhecimento nacional de uma grande Instituição de Ensino Superior, Mandic. Isso assegura a qualidade do ensino e proporciona formação sólida e reconhecida em todo o país.

Corpo docente renomado e qualificado renomado, oferecendo acompanhamento personalizado e orientação contínua para um aprendizado de excelência.

Com uma infraestrutura moderna, clínicas bem equipadas, laboratórios multidisciplinares e salas de aula tecnológicas, proporciona-se ambiente ideal para aprendizado prático e teórico. De forma exclusiva, contamos com o espaço para o Mini Lab, equipado com tecnologias digitais de ponta e equipe de profissionais protéticos altamente capacitados garantindo um completo fluxo digital. Além disso, o centro de radiologia dispõe de equipamentos de última geração, como tomógrafos, escâner portátil, softwares de manipulação de imagens e fotografia 3D.

Início imediato


Prof. PhD Ademir Franco

Dentists with background (MSc) in Forensic Odontology and proficiency in English.

36 Months
At 8 am to 6 pm
Dias da semana
*View observations:
Início das aulas:
US$ 15.000 Dollars or R$ 74.184,00 (See Ways of Payment)
Plano Estendido:
R$ 32.084.65

Plano estendido:

3 x US$ 6.500 or R$ 32.084,65





Carga horária:

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Inscreva-se Online

Inscreva-se online ou pelo Departamento

Pagamento e Contrato

Realize o pagamento da matrícula via boleto ou cartão de crédito e assine o contrato digital enviado por e-mail pela Plataforma IziSign.

Documentos Necessários

Apresente certidão de nascimento/casamento, RG, CPF, título de eleitor, carteira profissional, comprovante de residência, foto 3×4 e diploma de graduação no Apoio ao Estudante.

Pagamento da Matrícula

Pagamento da matrícula via boleto bancário ou cartão de crédito (parcela mínima de R$ 500,00 em até 6x).

Pagamento Estendido

Extensão em 6 parcelas com 5% de juros sobre o valor integral do curso. Sinalizar antes da assinatura do contrato

Política de Reembolso

Desistência até 20 dias antes do início do curso/módulo: reembolso de 80%, com 20% retidos para despesas administrativas. Após este período não haverá reembolso da matrícula devido à impossibilidade de substituir o inscrito.

Veja mais detalhes

Rua Dr. José Rocha Junqueira, 13 – Swift, Campinas/SP – CEP: 13045-755

Coordenador da Unidade

Siga-nos nas Redes Sociais

  • a) Enrollment:
    Apply online or through the Commercial Department by calling 0800 941 7 941, by WhatsApp +55 19 99228-8781, or by email  curso@slmandic.hml.slmandic.edu.br . For the Institution to consider the student duly enrolled in the class, they must make the payment corresponding to the enrollment in the course through a bank slip with a CPF, credit card, or international exchange. In addition, the student must electronically sign the digital contract, which will be sent by email through the IziSign Platform. It is worth mentioning that São Leopoldo Mandic reserves the right to enroll students in accordance with the order of payments, respecting the number of vacancies in each class. If confirmation of payment occurs after filling available places, the candidate for the course will receive a refund of the amount paid. * The installments payment dates related to the course payment plan will follow the rule: Masters  – Every 5th of each month Doctorate  – Every 20th of each month Other types of course  (e.g. Specialization, Training, etc.) – Every 10th of each month. Below are the bank details for payment through International Exchange. Payment Orders in USD Through: BANK OF NEW YORK New York – EUA BIC SWIFT: IRVTUS3N ABA: 053000196 Account number: 6550422632 Beneficiary Bank: BANCO ITAÚ S/A São Paulo – Brasil BIC SWIFT: ITAUBRSP Beneficiary Customer: SOCIEDADE REGIONAL DE ENSINO E SAÚDE SS LTDA Branch: 6393 Account number: 03477-9
    b) The documentation required to regularize the enrollment must be presented in physical format at the Student Support/Secretary of the Unit, within the period in accordance with the contract:
    – Birth or marriage certificate
    – certified by the Brazilian consulate;
    – Passport showing personal identification, and the Visa Stamp to enter in Brazil (whenever applicable); – CRNM (National Immigration Registry Card) OR RNE (Foreign National Registry) OR the protocol issued by the Federal Police, stating the period of leave to remain in Brazil; – Professional card (which proves the permission to practice the profession) – Recent proof of residence (last three months); – One 3cm x 4cm front-angle photo with neutral background that allows for digital scanning; – Original Graduation Diploma translated by a sworn and consularized public translator.
    Note:  As required by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, the Graduation diploma is requested to be scanned at the institution, and must be delivered within the period in accordance with the contract, under penalty of non-issuance of the diploma if you have this pendency. All assignments, tests and other written activities must be done in Portuguese.

Veja mais detalhes

Rua Dr. José Rocha Junqueira, 13 – Swift, Campinas/SP – CEP: 13045-755

Siga-nos nas Redes Sociais

  • a) Enrollment:
    Apply online or through the Commercial Department by calling 0800 941 7 941, by WhatsApp +55 19 99228-8781, or by email  curso@slmandic.hml.slmandic.edu.br . For the Institution to consider the student duly enrolled in the class, they must make the payment corresponding to the enrollment in the course through a bank slip with a CPF, credit card, or international exchange. In addition, the student must electronically sign the digital contract, which will be sent by email through the IziSign Platform. It is worth mentioning that São Leopoldo Mandic reserves the right to enroll students in accordance with the order of payments, respecting the number of vacancies in each class. If confirmation of payment occurs after filling available places, the candidate for the course will receive a refund of the amount paid. * The installments payment dates related to the course payment plan will follow the rule: Masters  – Every 5th of each month Doctorate  – Every 20th of each month Other types of course  (e.g. Specialization, Training, etc.) – Every 10th of each month. Below are the bank details for payment through International Exchange. Payment Orders in USD Through: BANK OF NEW YORK New York – EUA BIC SWIFT: IRVTUS3N ABA: 053000196 Account number: 6550422632 Beneficiary Bank: BANCO ITAÚ S/A São Paulo – Brasil BIC SWIFT: ITAUBRSP Beneficiary Customer: SOCIEDADE REGIONAL DE ENSINO E SAÚDE SS LTDA Branch: 6393 Account number: 03477-9
    b) The documentation required to regularize the enrollment must be presented in physical format at the Student Support/Secretary of the Unit, within the period in accordance with the contract:
    – Birth or marriage certificate
    – certified by the Brazilian consulate;
    – Passport showing personal identification, and the Visa Stamp to enter in Brazil (whenever applicable); – CRNM (National Immigration Registry Card) OR RNE (Foreign National Registry) OR the protocol issued by the Federal Police, stating the period of leave to remain in Brazil; – Professional card (which proves the permission to practice the profession) – Recent proof of residence (last three months); – One 3cm x 4cm front-angle photo with neutral background that allows for digital scanning; – Original Graduation Diploma translated by a sworn and consularized public translator.
    Note:  As required by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, the Graduation diploma is requested to be scanned at the institution, and must be delivered within the period in accordance with the contract, under penalty of non-issuance of the diploma if you have this pendency. All assignments, tests and other written activities must be done in Portuguese.

Com quem você vai aprender

Dê mais um passo para uma carreira de sucesso em Odontologia

Inscreva-se no curso aqui!


Prof. PhD Ademir Franco

Dentists with background (MSc) in Forensic Odontology and proficiency in English.

36 Months
At 8 am to 6 pm
Dias da semana:
*View observations:
Início das aulas:
US$ 15.000 Dollars or R$ 74.184,00 (See Ways of Payment)
Plano estendido:
R$ 32.084.65

Carga horária:



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    Qual curso deseja encontrar?

    Selecione abaixo o tipo de curso que você está buscando:


    Odontologia Legal

    Qualquer ponto referente a documentação e assinatura do contrato devem ser tratadas no primeiro dia. A SLMandic reserva o direito de não iniciar o curso na data acima prevista se o número mínimo de alunos não for atingido. Ao inscrito, cabe esperar a confirmação da data de início pelo Departamento Comercial para que as providências sejam tomadas.

    Programmatic Conteudo:

    1. Research methodology – 3 credits
    2. Seminars in Forensic Odontology – 5 credits
    3. Scientific communication – 2 credits
    4. Teaching skills – 2 credits
    5. Hot topics in Forensic Odontology – 3 credits
    Total: 15 credits (225h)
    6. Project progress and supervision – 10 credits}
    Total: 10 credits (150h)
    7. Thesis writing – 35 credits
    Total: 35 credits (525h).

    Política de desconto

    Corpo docente

    Odontologia Legal

    Prof. Dr. Ademir Franco
    Prof. Dr. Ney Soares de Araújo
    Profª. Drª. Cecília Pedroso Turssi.
    Prof. Dr. André Antonio Pelegrine.
    Profª. Drª. Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França.
    Prof. Dr. Juliana Trindade Clemente Napimoga.
    Profª. Drª. Flávia Lucisano Botelho do Amaral.
    Prof. Dr. Giovana Radomile Tofoli.
    Prof. Dr. Aguinaldo Silva Garcez Segundo.
    Profª Drª Vera Cavalcanti de Araújo.
    Prof.ª Dr.ª Flávia Martão Flório
    Prof. Dr. José Carlos Pettorossi Imparato
    Prof.ª Dr.ª Luciana Butini Oliveira
    Prof.ª Dr.ª Roberta Tarkany Basting Hofling
    Prof. Dr. José Luiz Cintra Junqueira
    Prof. Dr. Danilo Antonio Duarte.